Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Welcome and a Rant

What's kickin', angels? ;)

So, I thought I'd start off by saying hello.


I wasn't planning on doing a blog about my personal life until I was talking to my best friend, Anna, and I called my life, "completely boring and utterly pointless." Sounds great, right? Turns out it's the best name I could come up with, considering I wasn't actually thinking about it. I'm pretty proud of myself. It's a nice day, why not talk about it?

Seems like I'm in a pretty good mood right now, doesn't it? Well, it didn't start out that way. Coffee was involved.

When I woke up this morning, at five o'clock, I might add, I was not in a good mood. Who wants to wake up that early? Not me. Therefore, the alarm clock was reset so I could get an extra half hour of sleep. It didn't really help my mood.

Eventually, I had to get up. You know, showering is essential to smelling good. It's a good thing, angels.

So, I went about my daily routine of showering. La-dee-da. It was when I stepped out of the shower that my real problems started. The bath mat, which I hate because it never dries in the first place, was sopping wet. Since I'm blind, I didn't really notice the huge puddle beside the mat until I stepped in it. My shower curtain was not tucked in properly. Fuck my life.

That was gross. Yes, I cleaned it up. My dad would kill me if I didn't get the water off the wood floors. "WARPING!" Is what he would yell in a situation like that. Yes, I fear his outbursts about things like that.

Anyway, I thought that was just a minor setback. While retrieving a towel to clean up the mess mentioned before, I decided to pick out my clothes for the day. The laundry room currently holds all of my good clothing hostage, so yeah. I went down there. I found out that my mother had decided to throw all of my jeans into one load...that was in the washing machine, sopping wet. Let's just say I was none too happy. I need pants. I can't just walk around naked in the school. I would be totally fine with it if it was socially acceptable because I'm comfortable with my body, but I don't think anyone else would appreciate that, except maybe my boyfriend.

So, I threw a bitch fit. Then helped her move the clothes out of the dryer so maybe, just maybe, my pants might  dry before the bus could come.

Back upstairs to the fortress of beauty! Dun-du-nun! Yeah, I make sound effects. Shut up.

My morning routine is intense and takes time. A considerable amount, considering I'm ugly. Okay, let me clarify. I'm what people who don't know me would call...SOOO PRETTY! My friends say I look nice sometimes. Grown-ups say I'm stunning. My boyfriend calls me beautiful...so technically, no one but myself thinks I'm ugly. Because I know the truth. You might ask, why do you want to be known as pretty? Isn't that exactly the thing women don't want to be defined by? NO. Duh? I've worked so hard to be noticed for my looks. I've always been the nerd. The little ugly midget girl with an attitude, but a brain that shouldn't be messed with. Now, I've got the looks to lure you in, the smarts to make you feel inferior, and an attitude that'll punch you in the gut. Sounds like the description of a killer? Yep. Perfect.

So, I put my face on. Haha, yeah, foundation, powder, blush, all that crap. I try to make myself look normal. I'm constantly perfecting my makeup artistry. It was then that I noticed that I was...STARVING! That's actually not normal for me. I eat my breakfast every morning, but I don't always crave it. For one, I'm not an idiot that skips breakfast because it's the most important meal of the day and if I didn't have it, I'd die. Two, my mother makes it for me, so why not? Right? Well, she decided to be a lazy ass today and gave me a power bar.

"Try it out," she said. Fuck that! I'm starving and fate hands me a power bar and a soymilk, then says, "Hope it lasts until C lunch!" Fuck you, food karma! What did I do to you? Must have been the extra chocolate I ate yesterday. My dad made me stop eating it because he said that eating candy while reading just makes chub. My dad is so rude sometimes, but hey, it makes for a great story to tell everyone else. It didn't really insult me. I just wanted chocolate, that's all. When life hands you a free candy bar, courtesy of my piano teacher, you don't say no!

The next act of fate against me was by my bus driver. She's a bitch and opened the windows today. No windows open in the morning. Ever. I just spent forever trying to get my hair to look good. You will not fuck it up, Judi! I promptly closed them all. I wonder if she even noticed. I slammed them pretty hard. Nobody messes with my hair. My math teacher used to. Now he's scared of me. Let's leave it at that ;)

I was feeling pretty down, but I text my boyfriend at seven sharp, every morning. Today was no different. It makes me a little better. I fell asleep while listening to my Death Cab for Cutie album, but it was a peaceful bus ride nap. It pisses me off when we transfer and my contacts are all dry, so they almost pop out of my eyes, but it gradually gets better. Then the driver turns on loud country music. It never fails to piss me off.

At school, around seven forty-five, I walk into school, thoroughly ticked. Something about the fact that I will see my lover soon tends to calm me a little bit. Or hype me up. I'm hyper sometimes in the morning. The whole hallway tends to listen to me, because half the time, I'm screaming. What up?!?!?! Haha, sorry about that, but I can't control it. Some girl, okay, not just some girl, my nemesis, Rachel, told me to be quiet. I flicked her off and turned away. Her boyfriend told me later on that she was mad at me. That could be why. Also because I kicked her out of the quartet my friends and I are doing for the talent show. Oops? I think NOT!

Seeing my boyfriend every morning, it's so nice. I wish I had an hour to just cuddle up with him and take a nap every morning. He's the best pillow ever! Hehe, my friend Noah was making fun of me in math class today because Anthony and I seemed to be attached to each other as soon as we see one another. It's only because I only see him for five minutes at a time during the day. LEAVE ME ALONE! Haha, Noah's the best. Whenever he wants something, he has to tell me that he loves me. Anthony is none too happy about that sometimes, but I find it awesome. I tell Noah that I love him all the time. It doesn't have the same meaning as it does with Anthony of course, but still. He's my friend.

Math class is boring as hell. Who's math class isn't? I just work with Noah and tell him to shut up most of the time. I drank some of his Mt. Dew today before he opened it. It was good, for the few sips I took. Abby, my other best friend, hit the other one out of his hand in an attempt to copy what I had done, and ended up making the bottle burst and pop went everywhere. It was sticky around those lockers all day. People were pissed. We yelled at Abby. I think her feelings were a little bit hurt for once. Whoa.

French is gay now. I mean, I sit next to Anthony, so I get to sneakily hold hands with him during class, but we still have to do work and that's not okay. I'm sure the whole class agrees. Constant activities are pointless. Talking among ourselves is much more fun.

Creative writing, my third period class was actually kind of fun. The devil, Mrs. Trossman, wasn't here today, so I didn't have to hear about her shit. And she wasn't tearing someone's writing to pieces. All was well in the ninth circle of Hell today. That's what she calls her room. She's right. It's Hell. The bitch in front of me, Savannah, asked for a copy of the story I had just written. She said she wanted to read the whole thing after reading the first page yesterday. She never read it. I was ticked. I enjoy feedback. Fuck her. She also told me that I scare her and she hates me. That's cool, bro. It's not like I cared. I'm not too fond of her either. After that, mass editing of a story I'm going to post on fanfiction.net happened. I'm still not done, but that's next after this.

Fourth period is SHOW CHOIR! We practiced contest music today. Not much to talk about. We also went over the Run the World dance we learned, you know the Beyonce song? Yeah, we dance like gangstas to that. The freshmen behind me always watch me. The captains always put me in front too. Am I good? I don't know. The freshmen said my outfit yesterday was cute. I was like, thanks? The one I wore today wasn't too spectacular. Just a Ralph Lauren V-Neck and a pair of skinnies. Plus my wedges because I hate flats and skinnies together. They make me look stupid.

Lunch, Bosco sticks. Breadsticks filled with cheese. Noms. My boyfriend forgot to get money for food, just like yesterday. The only difference was...this time he took my two dollars and bought himself some food! Accomplishment! Yes! I'm so proud of myself for bothering him until he gave in. I don't see the problem with taking someone's money to buy food if they offer. What's the big deal? Him and Abby. They're weird. I would hope someone would offer to buy ME lunch if I forgot my money. Psh.

Kisses before class with Anthony=heaven. He's my drug. My calm and happiness drug. I'm addicted, and proud of it. That's all I have to say.

The eye doctor told me that I have little specks of stuff on my eyes, so she prescribed eye drops that I have to use 3-4 times a day. That means during school. During art class. Fun! I take Anna with me to the bathroom so I'm not lonely and awkwardly standing there, listening to people piss. Haha. The paper towel dispenser wasn't working. I had to use the super slow hand dryer. Yeah, a little bit of bad luck still filtering into my day. It was during this art period that I came up with my blog name. Yes, art class. My creativity was working today! Yes! You better believe it! Usually, all I talk about is Anthony in art class, because Anna is there and she listens to all of my crap. I didn't have much to say today. I'm doing alright as far as relationships go.

Next, my favorite subject but not so great class, CHEMISTRY. It started off rough. With two minutes to go until the bell rang, I realized that I left my books in the art room. FUCK YOU FATE! I had to run all the way back to the art room, which is down a flight of stairs, then run back up the stairs, in 3-inch wedges mind you. I was out of breath by the time I got back to Chem, but I made it. That's right. I'm speedy fast. We had a quiz today over gas laws. I think I owned, but I'm not sure. I read for a while. I started the book, "It's Kind of a Funny Story, " by Ned Vissini...I think that's how you spell that. It's pretty good so far. Kind of weird, but I like it. My chemistry teacher showed us how to boil water at room temperature. It involves a vaccuum and some marshmallows. Haha. Kyle and I talked instead of really paying attention. Whatever. In the end, my ex, Jacob, and I came to the conclusion that I could talk a therapist into suicide. I consider that an accomplishment.

I've talked people into comas before. Anna and Abby were listening to me talking one minute, then they couldn't remember what happened for the next 2-3 hours. I'm proud of that. I haven't done that to Anthony yet, but that's because we don't talk for that long without incorporating...other things. ;)

Lastly, English, back in the ninth circle of Hell. We had a one hundred question test. Who does that? Who? Oh wait, Trossman. The sub was still there though, so at least we didn't have to hear about her shitty life. The test wasn't too hard. There were some random questions that didn't have any real importance. It was about the book we had just finished. "Night," by Elie Wiesel. It was pretty good. It was about how he survived the Holocaust. It was better than Hamlet, I'll tell you that much. I read more of "It's Kind of a Funny Story." Still awesome.

Ah, the bus ride home. How I enjoy it! NOT. Well, it's okay because I sit next to Anna and we laugh about random things, but still. Driving home by myself would be more fun. Anthony can start driving tomorrow. GAY GAY GAY! I want my license! I don't get it until May 24th! Not fair! I still haven't completed my drives for driver's ed. Megan, my best friend, caught up to me already. DAMN YOU MOTHER! I scream a lot. Sorry. Get used to it.

Some Owl City on the other bus. Reading because I'm a nerd. I'm so sullen looking on that bus because I don't have any friends on there, partially because they're all freaks. I text. I put my head down so my hair doesn't blow around in the wind as much. It doesn't really help all that much, but hey, it's life. And I don't wear hair bows on my wrists EVERY day.

Easter cards came from one set of the grandparents. I didn't open mine yet. I thought I'd wait to see if my mom would deem it appropriate to open it before the actual holiday. Does it matter? I don't know.

 Really, the only thing I've done since then is make an iced coffee for myself, opened the windows to let the warm air in, and finished off that Greek candy bar from yesterday.

 It was good. :)

Frozen dinner? I think so! My dad's not coming home tonight because he's working out of town or something, so my mom doesn't deem it a worthy day to cook. I just love my family. We're so lazy. I have to research the Irish Holocaust for the devil...Trossman...for some project that I don't even know the due date of. Fuck that! Just kidding. I'm a good student. Why am I a good student???

Well, that's about all that happened today.

I wrote too much. I had a lot to say. I always have a lot to say, unless it's to an adult that I don't particularly know. Then, I can only squeak for some reason. Social communication problems...YEP ME RIGHT HERE!

Quote for the day: When life throws you a curve ball, throw the bat down and say, "Come at me, bitch!"

You know you love me, so don't even try to deny it.

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