Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Everybody Stops and Stares at Me

What's kickin', angels?

I'm back. Yep. I'm posting for the second time in a row. That almost never happens, if you know me at all. Which, maybe you do, maybe you don't. Now you know anyway. What am I saying?

Let's start off with the morning again, shall we?

It's my day to get a ride to school on Wednesday, so I take advantage and sleep for an extra hour. There's a lot more leeway when you know that your mother will wait for you and not take off.

No problems with the shower like yesterday, thank God! I was hoping that it wouldn't become a habit.

Today, I actually had clothing to wear too. That made me happy. Today wasn't a bad day at all. If you want to know what I was wearing, check out my fashion blog. It's on there. The only new thing I wore was my shoes, and I'll get back to that later.

I didn't spend any time on my makeup today. I wanted to curl my hair instead, so I spent my extra fifteen minutes of glory with a Remington Curling Wand, making awesome curls in my boring hair. It takes longer than it should because, hey, I still have to text Anthony in the morning. He's important. Like my hair. My hair is pretty important too. It determines my mood for the entire day. Today, I was relatively happy and confident. Wait, a tick. Oh wait, it's because my hair was curled and I didn't have to worry about it. That's why. I always become a little bit more carefree. I just like it. Anthony likes my hair when it's straight. I can never win.

My mom kept asking me if I was close to being ready, when I had half my head curled and no shirt on. Yes, I'm totally ready to go to school, right now. Let's pack up and go!

God, that makes me angry. I don't even answer her sometimes. Today I just said, "Don't bother me."

She asked again later. I asked her if it looked like I was ready. She yelled at me that we were going to be late. Turns out, we weren't. I win.

The one thing that my mother did that didn't make me angry was her breakfast choice today. Whole wheat bread, crunchy peanut butter (my favorite), and banana slices. :) Somebody was on the ball today. It was delicious. Nom nom nom. I was pissed that I had to stab my soymilk fifty times to get it open, but that's what I get for having a good main course. FUCK YOU FOOD KARMA! GET OUT OF MY LIFE!

I got to school at like 8:04, not the latest I've ever arrived. Nobody leaves the locker circle until 8:07. I still had time. Anthony met up with me as I was walking down the hallway. He was worried that I wasn't coming to school.

Bro, I never skip! Hahaha, yes I do. Just kidding.

But not today. I get to skip tomorrow.

As soon as I reached my locker, I was swarmed by my best friends. Anna, Shanna, and Abby. Anna seemed a little ticked. I found out why within two seconds.

"They want to touch your shoes," she said, looking at them.
"They're so cute!"
"I love your shoes!"
"They remind me of Candyland!"
"Megan said they looked like cotton candy!"
"Anna said we should touch them."
"No, I did not. You wanted to."
"Nun uh!"

I proceeded to gather my books for math class. Anna gave me a look. I was chuckling on the inside.

"You can touch the shoes if you want. Go ahead."
"But that would be awkward."
"No, it's not," I said. "Just touch them."

They did. I don't see what the point was. But okay. At least they liked them. Can I be deemed the shoe queen yet?

Anthony said he would complain about me being late to school for the rest of the day. That's not really fair, but I can deal with it. It gives me an excuse to act mad and punch him lightly in the stomach. Little fake fights with him are fun. He always wins anyway. But I get a kiss at the end, so it's not too bad. ;)

He gives me a kiss, an "I love you," then runs off to Trossman for his English class. I get Mc D. Fun.

I walked in to find an empty spot where my desk should be.

"Noah thought you should be shunned, so he moved it," Hailey said, pointing to the front of the classroom where my desk was.

Whatever, bitch. I went to go get it, but some guy grabbed it and drug it back to the right spot for me. Thanks, man. I don't talk to you, but thanks.

I was quite pissed that I didn't have any gum, because I'm self-conscious about my breath. For good reason, mind you. I have the worst breath. It's so annoying. I chew gum 24/7. And now I had run out. I needed gum now, or I would not be kissing Anthony for the rest of the day.

Kyle had some. Best friend in the whole wide world! Haha, that's what Noah always says. His ways are ingrained in my mind. He has poisoned me for good. Oh, well.

It was that 5 React black gum that tastes kind of weird. It's not the worst thing I've ever put in my mouth, but it wasn't the best either. It's gum though, so I took it.

Hailey threw my pencil bag into the garbage can because she's a bitch. I stood up, retrieved it, tossed it in my purse again, then said, right as the teacher was walking by...

"Don't do that, you mother fucker."

Guess who didn't get in trouble? ME. I own Mc D. OWN.

I did the next assignment while Noah finished up the previous one. Good team work, wouldn't you say? I also got to work on the 77 pages of information on Irish Genocide that I printed last night. Fun. I was highlighting like a mother fucker. Joy to the world, angels.

I heard about how Kasey sent a picture of her boobs to some guy last year and it got sent all around the school. I didn't even know about this. Thank you Hailey, for some nice gossip. Who sends pictures like that? How much more stupid could someone be? Please tell me.

Next stop, French class. A girl named Nicki complimented my shoes. I was quite happy. I haven't received that many compliments in a while. It's nice.

Anthony, wearing his Avenged Sevenfold shirt, is the completely opposite of me. I love it. He wears that shirt all the time and it makes me angry because it seems to be a size too big. But, I digress. It seems to be his favorite, so I'll let him keep it :P As long as he wears his red one. That's my favorite of his shirts. He liked the one I wore today. He was a bit preoccupied with making sure that my bra strap wasn't showing, but he said it was soft and fluffy and he liked it. :) Achievement unlocked.

He played games on his phone during class today. He still managed to find time to make me go crazy. He brushes his finger up and down my arm through the slit in my shirt and it tickles SO MUCH! It feels good too, but at first, SO MUCH! Gradually, I got used to it and it almost put me to sleep. I had to clench my fists for about five minutes for the flinching instinct to go away though. He said he wanted a kiss.



Going down the stairs. Yay. It's dangerous in 4-inch heels and when your boyfriend wishes to tickle you as you descend. I held onto the handrail. I never hold onto the handrail. Too many germs. But I did. It was gross. I survived the staircase though and that's all that matters. Right, angels?

Creative writing was my savior. My best freshman friend, Emily, wasn't here today so I couldn't talk to her. The bitch in front of me, Savannah, who yesterday said that she hated me, had changed her mind to liked but intimidated by, by the end of the period. I talked casually. I am manipulative in my own way. Trossman wasn't there though. Thank the lord, again!

I was kind of mad because I wanted her to read my story so I could turn it in, but at the same time, I didn't want her to tear apart my writing. Savannah said my story didn't draw her in. Sabrina said it was good. My mother said it was good. My father refused to read it because he doesn't like to read. I read one of Savannah's stories. It was really bad. The grammar was bad. The story was pretty pointless and angst-filled. I felt bad though, so I didn't say anything rude for once.

She said it was based on real life. It was about a girl who hated her life and tried to slit her throat. Cool.

"I hated my life," she said. In my mind, I'm thinking, "Why? How could anyone HATE life?"

But Anthony thinks life is pretty boring and pointless too, so I guess I'm the weird one. I enjoy my boring and pointless life. Do you?

I was kind of glad to get out of there in the end. I read a lot of genocide facts. It was getting to be a little monotonous. My daily walk to Show Choir with Anthony is always nice. We hold hands. It makes everything better.

Everyone in Show Choir either told me that they loved my shoes, or asked me how I could dance in such shoes as they gawked at my feet. It's not that hard...really. I swear. Turning is a little difficult. That's about it.

The sub for Show Choir marked Megan as tardy because she asked to go to the bathroom and didn't come back before the bell. What's the point of saying you can go if you're going to mark the same person tardy? What the fuck? Whatever. Subs are gay.

We learned some of the dance for "Price Tag," by Jessie J. It's not as fun as "Run the World," but props to Meredith for being able to make a dance for such a NOT dance-y song.

Guess what I had for lunch today? A cheeseburger. I'm pretty sure that Brookelyn's mom works in the cafeteria. I'm not sure, but I think I recognize her face.

FOOD KARMA, WE MEET AGAIN! I had a nice cheeseburger. I choked on a fry. WHY DOES EVERYTHING HATE ME SO! Anthony said that if I was choking, he wouldn't save me until it wasn't funny anymore.

I asked, "When does it stop being funny?"
He answered, "How long can you hold your breath?"

Hahaha, nice one, bastard.

He got written up for buying his lunch with cash. WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT? It's money. Take it. Food is given in return. It shouldn't matter if you get your lunch with a little card or not. Fuck that shit. It makes me angry. He doesn't have his I.D., I guess? I don't want him to get expelled or anything. That would suck! I wouldn't get to see him!

We were walking out of the cafeteria and Anthony was laughing at something behind me. I turned around. A bunch of freshmen girls were gawking at my shoes.

"I like your shoes," they all said.

"Um, thanks?" Turn and run. Turn and run!

Yeah, the attention drawn to me can be good or bad.

I get to Anna's locker and Abby is standing there. The only thing I hear is...

"I'm good in all positions!"- Anna


"A kid in my class. He had a shirt that said it."

Oh, that makes sense. Kind of funny too. Who is this kid? Can we be friends?

More people complimented my shoes. I didn't think they were that cool. Are these people shoe deprived?

Art class. More stupid questions about Maurizio Cattelan. I thought his artwork was cool, yes. Did I want to  answer fifty billion questions about him for a straight two weeks? NO. I showed Anna this blog since she was part of the inspiration. I didn't let her read it because that is for home time only! Not during school, damn it! :P

I pulled through in the clutch because we were missing a paper. I answered a few questions. Hehehe, I'm good at writing bullshit. You're reading this, aren't you, you little angel?

I did not forget my books in the room today. I brought them with me. I walked into Chem and Brad was mesmerized by my shoes. Caleb mocked him for liking my shoes. More people came in and were shocked by my shoes. My shoes are more popular than me. Great. Taylor made the teacher look at my shoes. He made the whole class aware. I held my leg up in the air for people to see, while sitting down. That blew a few people's minds. Yeah, I'm still a little flexible. Being a gymnast stays in the soul.

We got a worksheet. I sat with a group of three other people. I did all the work while they talked. I found out that Kyle thought I was ugly in middle school, about around the time that I thought he was attractive. Fuck my life. I got the answer right and Jacob got it wrong. I win. Ha ha.

Next, English. Not much happened. I found out that Chelsea got a 3rd degree burn on her face because she was trying to steam her face, you know, to open up the pores? Bad choice. There was an impromptu fire drill. I led everyone to the spot. I made sure to check the room number before leaving the building. Yeah, I'm smart, bitches.

Back to the room, more reading of the genocide facts. My partner for the project didn't know how to operate Prezi correctly, and since she didn't do any research, she did absolutely nothing all period. Nice going. Why do I always do all the work? Oh wait, because I'm not a dumbass.

I walked with Chelsea to my locker. She was trying to convince me to buy more shoes from this site she found. No, not doing that. Sorry.

Anthony met me in between my locker and Anna's so he could say good-bye. I was staying for ECHO club and he was going to watch a video for his insurance thing. He just got his license. He's insured now. He can drive by himself! He's so cool! Hehehe. But yes, I got some nice kisses because he knew I was skipping tomorrow and he wouldn't be able to see me again until...

Possibly Saturday?

My mom wanted him to come to Easter dinner in the afternoon on Sunday, but his church doesn't get out until 12:30 and he wants me to come to his family's Easter dinner so...

He's coming on Saturday for pizza, possibly wings, with my family. My dad, my mom, my brother, and me. No relatives near us to meet. Just the regular family. But he'll be with me. That's enough for me. :)

Anna and Shanna were staying after for ECHO club anyway, so I thought I'd join in on the fun. Just kidding, the actual club isn't fun, but we get to talk, so it's all good.

ECHO club is simple. We take black trash bags, fill them with paper for the recycling, drag them down to the library doorway, then run back upstairs, grab out bags, and get the fuck out of the building before we have to help the nerds dump them in the bins.

It's a brilliant plan. At least we help a little bit. Bitches, please.

My mom was talking to whole way home. I wasn't really listening. I don't care. I'm tired by the end of the school day and I don't want to put up with her shit!

Home again, home again, jiggety jig.

Fannie Mae Candy Company sent us Cream Filled Easter Eggs for free. YUMMY! :D

Then, I sat down here and got to typing.

Anna created a blog today. I won't tell you what it is, just in case it's anonymous. ;)

I'm freaking starving, just saying.

Hold on, I have a stash of Reese's Cups.


All better :)

I guess I've told you everything that happened today.

Hope you enjoyed, angels.

Quote of the Day: "Meredith just said, 'Make it rain!'"----"Oh, she's dirty!"

You know you love me, so don't even try to deny it.

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